Thursday, September 2, 2004

No Subject

      OK, so the last two posts were a little rough....wah,wah, wah!!!  What do you expect? Society made the "perfect monster", and then they want to yell "foul" when the monster bites-----screw 'em all!!  I think being without any meds is a GOOD THING!!!  I can think better, and it never hurts to let the Dragon out to "play" for a little while!!!  I like the Dragon....pure, raw, power...a destructive force that cannot be tamed!! I love to turn it loose!!!

        May God, or whatever Diety you believe in protect you when I turn it loose!!!  I actually LOVE the feeling of NOT being in control!!!!!!!!!  My wife thinks I am gonna pop a vein!  Am I nuts??  Hell Yeah!!! I have papers to prove it!!  Manic Depressive, Schizophrenic(sp?), Totally Insane!!! The doctors have said it all before!!  They've had me on a million different meds!!  Like I said here before, ain't it cool to watch some poor bastard self-destruct through the "magic" of the internet???  That's right, you can cheer them on, but not get your hands dirty----let's see if we can change all of that, hmmm???

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