Good day to all! I put a picture of some of my necklaces that I have made on the previous page. Yes, those are mine, and they are for sale....just not on the 'net. I only sell locally...unless you are a friend, and really want one. Anyway, those are made from materials that I buy ready-made. Like the Dragon, and the Skull/dagger/wings. The bead necklaces I make by hand.
Well, Tuesday, 08-24-04, I spent part of the day with my grand-chlidren. Always seems to make the day go by quicker when they are here!! But for the latter-half of the day, I was busy designing, and fabricating a completely NEW DESIGN!!! I had to make this design from nothing...I made every part to this new design. Can you see a pic of it? NO, do I look "NEW" to you? It is my design, and as such, I don't want it copied right now.
When I described it to my wife, and youngest daughter, I got a luke-warm reaction. That's normal...I have come up with ideas that didn't work out before, so I never give their reaction another thought. What I DID do was to forge ahead, make the darn thing, then give it to them to see what happens.
UTTER SHOCK!!! That's right, SHOCK! Neither one of them could believe what I had created!! They were actually speechless!! (For my 12 year old girl, that is no easy thing!!) I had enough materials on-hand to 'create' three of these new proto-types. One each for my wife, and two daughters. This a COMPLETELY NEW DESIGN! I have never seen anything like it!
Don't get your hopes up, though, it is primarily designed for younger people, and will only cost about $6.00(U.S.). It isn't terribly expensive to make, and can be sold realatively cheaply. I would think that no one over 30 would have any interest in it. I do forsee everyone in my daughter's school wearing it! Plus the fact that everyone in my town knows about my jewelry-making! Another 'plus' for this design is that it makes noise...if you want it to!! I see it as a form of 'communication' for kids in class, who don't want to get caught talking! One small sound from the necklace, and your friend will know that you are 'communicating' with them from across the room. The teacher will never know where it came from!!
This design is for male, and female, and can come in ANY color you can think of!! Believe me, I have ALL colors that most people could think of! Can it come in mixed colors? Why not!! Well, I need to get out of here, and to the local 'supplier'. Take care!!
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