Well, I have come up with another new design for a necklace. This one is called 'The Dragon's Tooth'. Funny story; while I was cleaning the dragon's tooth, I had to scrape off some left-over bits of some poor knight that was last chewed on! Poor fool. Had he simply asked the dragon, he would have gladly given him the tooth! At least that is how I approached the problem!
Therein lies the lesson!!! (yes, there is a method to my madness!) People fear that which they don't understand. Because of that fear, they kill, with the hope of killing their fears! Of course, it never works! Here is a hint---learn to understand what you fear. It works, believe me! What do I fear? There are some things, but the list grows shorter everyday.
The one thing that I will always fear---PEOPLE!! People are the worst thing I have found. They lie, cheat you, steal from you, and they just can't be trusted! Shut-up, you know who you are!! I have seen people pat a friend on the back, and not five minutes later, try to screw them over! Crazy, brother, just plain crazy!
Any of you voting in the presidential election this year?? Remember the election of 2000??? Did ANYONE not find it strange that the ONLY state that had ""TROUBLE"" with their voting results was the ONLY state that had JEB BUSH(George Bush's brother) as their governor? Hmmmm. OK, coincidence? I think not! Here's another one for you; The MI-6 agent in England who blew the whistle on Bush, and PM Tony Blair, was found DEAD two weeks after he said that there was OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that Iraq possessed NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?? And that he shot himself while jogging in an outdoor park?? Hmmmmm. Keep sticking your head in the sand, folks! Maybe I will come by and KICK YOUR ASS just to wake you up!!
Next President----George Bush! Just as sure as the sun rises in the morning! Bush's campaign people have even called into question Mr. Kerry's service record in Vietnam! Hey, George, AT LEAST HE SHOWED UP FOR THE PARTY!! He didn't stay in the states, and "play war" for mommy and daddy!! And have we forgotten that GEORGE BUSH THE YOUNGER was busy in the eighties ROBBING BANKS with no-good JUNK BONDS, and was almost charged with securites fraud? Guess when your dad is Vice President to Ronald Regan, you can get away with that shit.
I will vote---for MICKEY MOUSE!! Hell, he would be a better choice than what we are faced with!