Saturday, June 19, 2004

It Is Time---

       I looked for poems about mothers on the web this morning. NOTHING fit the occasion. ALL of them were just too sappy,touting the pure "love and Happiness" of being a mother. They don't apply here,and I  refuse to pretend that any of them do!

      The funeral is today,at around Noon,eastern daylight savings time. It will take place in Benton Harbor, Michigan. She was born March 23,1944. She was 60 years old. She ran a ceramic business,and raised champion chinese pug dogs. I know no more about the woman I called "mother" for 44 years of my life. And thus it ends. Like I said before,a sad end to a sad life.

       I just thought some words should be said today by me,her oldest son,and oldest child. This burden falls to me because none of the other children will even pay this small tribute to a life lost. Someone died,and that someone was of my blood,so there should be SOMETHING said. Now,it is done.

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