My life started in a convent somewhere in Missouri,on a cold,rainy night in April,1960. I have only seen my "real" father twice in my life...really concerned,he was. My mother,bless her heart,was completely insane. She should never have had children. Some people are good parent material,some are not. My mother was the latter. Given her mental state,she did the best that she could,with what she had to work with.
She had five children,and wasted no time always telling us she should have killed us before we were born. We grew up with the knowledge that she hated everyone of us....equally. I know where my mother lives right now;I don't hate her,I just don't understand her. I guess I never will.No one ever will. She can be loving and caring one minute,and a demon from hell the next. How do you learn to deal with that? EVER?
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